Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sometimes you just have to be angry

i really need to rant right now.
is it stupid? yes.
is it worth it? no.
is it reasonable? sure...
am i angry? less than before, after a hot shower blasting phillip phillips
how angry? revved down to about rather mifed.
 So in my karate school i was told by my older frjend that you never ask to be tested to rank up, you wait for them tosee you are ready. and it make sense, especially since respect is such a huge aspect in a dojo. sowhen my friend jake goe
s up to the teacher after class and asks her if he can test, , i was so peeved. i mean, i guess im a bit offended,because we train together because i was higher rank, but not by a little and e joined awhile after,and i prety much tught him what he knows. ive been ready for my test, but i was patiently waiting for them to give me an official invite, especially since sensei wants m to do a forml test which takes up to eight ours vs the regular sped up version which is like one hour. then he just waltzed and asked, which i still find rude. plus, he's goingto pull rank on me, knowing him, just so he can be like,hey i tried harder kr some other crap and now im better than you because youve been here longer and im higher rnk and that sort of freaking crap. pullig rank is where a lower rank walks in feont of a higher rankwhich breaks this respect code thing and the higher rank is like yo dude . i swear, if he pull rank on me, im going to lose it, and hel'll be all innocent and e like wth are you talking about and why are you ad and then i may explode or cry out in frustration.
Is this unreasonable? of coure.
am i overreactingoverreacting ? definanatly.
am i still mad? heck yes.

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