Monday, January 28, 2013

Boys, questions and comments.

Howdy, fellas! This post is, obviously, about boys, and who and what they are. (Of course, this is all matter of opinion. I AM a teenage girl after all...) So, enjoy, and if you have any answers, feel free to leave them in the comments box below. (Actually, t'would be highly appreciated) Here are my questions ...
1. Why is quote on quote "street cred" so important to you? Really, none of you actually have it. You just put on a snap-back, say #yolo after everything, and you wear a Nike shirt that says you have swag, which you don't. Look up swag in the dictionary. It's not as described above .
2. Why are you so obsessed with video games? They all look the same to me. Can anyone explain the differences between, Black Ops, (1,2, and/or 3) and Call of Duty? (again, 1,2, and/or 3)
3. Why do you all seem to hate reading? (By the way, this is the typical guy in my school, nothing personal)
4. What is attractive about heavy death/metal music? Personally, it scares me...
5. Why do you swear when you try and come across as cool? (Again, general male population of my middle school) Like today, for example. I walked into social studies J period, and I sit down, and the guy I sit next to, Craig, was trying to be cool or funny or something, so he was like, "hey, I was f-ing this b**** " I rolled my eyes, and didn't really respond, and the guy sitting in front of me (much  more sensible, may I add) was like,  "What, no hello? Just..." Then he trailed off, not wanting to repeat what Craig said. Again, my school everyone.

Also, let me say, guy friends are so much better than boyfriends. I would rather have a boy who's just a good friend at the moment that a boyfriend who I would not be friends after 2 months or something. I have some great guy friends from school and karate, and they're all awesome. (Not that I wouldn't want a boyfriend... I AM a teenage girl after all... =P)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Unity Day Fun

Not. At all. The only good part was the shortened classes to make room for an activity period. (Hence the secretary manually ringing the bell.)

I should probably explain more.  Unity Day is my school's new, brilliant plan to get us to all love each other and get along. Basically, we get locked in a room with 10 or 15 other people and one of our teachers and do some stupid activity to get to know each other. I have no friends in my group, and I typically can't stand half the people in it. We have to do this thing where we write down nice things we've done for people, and this one girl was like, "I can't think of anything!' so my social studies teacher was like, "You haven't done anything nice you can remember?" Her answer was no. That is the degree of kindness that is my school. So anyway, this time we had to do this thing where the teacher would be like, "Have you ever climbed a mountain?" or some other dumb question and if we had (have? had?) we would raise our hand and have to talk about it. I thought it was really stupid, and my social studies teacher didn't even lead the activity (He just didn't feel like it. He does that sometimes. Once, he had us take notes off the board and he said he would explain them late because his throat hurt. He later told us that he just didn't feel like talking or explaining them again.) So, to rap this up, Unity Day is an oh-so-fun day where we get locked in a room with people we can tolerate to a certain extent and are expected to become best friends forever.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tick. Tock.

You know when you want time to speed up, it slows down? And vice-versa? Well, sometimes, my classes do just that. Of course, everybody says that, but I mean it quite literally. Today for example, the secretary had to manual ring the bells, (see unity day post), but she kept getting distracted, so she would ring the bells late everytime. Sometimes, the clocks will literally tick the wrong way! Nothing is more frustrting then when you want class to end, you're watching the clock, and suddenly, it starts going in the wrong direction. I love some types of science, like some biology, zoology, some neurology, and oneirology (the study of dreams), but physics and chemistry are just not my thing. I sit in science, A period I may add, bright and early, trying to paying closest attention I can, even though my science teacher is droning on, and he has a soft voice, and he's a calm/cranky older man, so it's not exactly easy to pay attention either. The class is effortless though. I have a 97 average, and I don't have to study for tests or quizzes. Algebra, I do have to try on, because it's the advanced math class that most students don't take 'til ninth grade (I'm in eighth, fyi) That class is my lowest average, a 90, which isn't bad considering the class level. Next I have english, and if I said science was effortless, english is a cakewalk. (I never understood that expression...) We are reading The Giver , which I read in fourth grade, and again this year during class while the rest of my class was still reading chapter 3 out loud. By the time they were on chapter 5, I finished the last book in the quartret, Son. So now, I have a 99 in that class, even though I read through every class, unless it's a writing lab, and I got a 95 on my last writing piece. (A memoir about get dragged down by a wave... over dramatic and semi-fictional, of course) French comes naturally for some reason, with some studying, (100 average). Social studies is the hardest class, with the strictest teacher, but also the funniest and most sarcastic. You'll here more about him in the unity day post though.

Anyways, to wrap up this post up, I bet you were all dying to know what happened between me and Jake. (Actually, I doubt any of you actually care, but a girl can dream!!!) Jake is like a puppy. You try to stay mad at him, but then he'll say something like oh I didn't know blah blah blah and I'll be like "grr why are you so dang forgivable" and yeah... that's about it...

Hoped you enjoyed (or at least bothered to read) the summary of my academic portion of school...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sometimes you just have to be angry

i really need to rant right now.
is it stupid? yes.
is it worth it? no.
is it reasonable? sure...
am i angry? less than before, after a hot shower blasting phillip phillips
how angry? revved down to about rather mifed.
 So in my karate school i was told by my older frjend that you never ask to be tested to rank up, you wait for them tosee you are ready. and it make sense, especially since respect is such a huge aspect in a dojo. sowhen my friend jake goe
s up to the teacher after class and asks her if he can test, , i was so peeved. i mean, i guess im a bit offended,because we train together because i was higher rank, but not by a little and e joined awhile after,and i prety much tught him what he knows. ive been ready for my test, but i was patiently waiting for them to give me an official invite, especially since sensei wants m to do a forml test which takes up to eight ours vs the regular sped up version which is like one hour. then he just waltzed and asked, which i still find rude. plus, he's goingto pull rank on me, knowing him, just so he can be like,hey i tried harder kr some other crap and now im better than you because youve been here longer and im higher rnk and that sort of freaking crap. pullig rank is where a lower rank walks in feont of a higher rankwhich breaks this respect code thing and the higher rank is like yo dude . i swear, if he pull rank on me, im going to lose it, and hel'll be all innocent and e like wth are you talking about and why are you ad and then i may explode or cry out in frustration.
Is this unreasonable? of coure.
am i overreactingoverreacting ? definanatly.
am i still mad? heck yes.

Friday, January 4, 2013


"And everytime we tou-u-uch I get this kind of ru-u-ush!! If you don't wanna take it slow, why don't you just take me home.." I love Kiss You by One Direction. That song just gets me pumped and hyper and stuff. I like using "and stuff" with no english teacher to nag at me... I'm just in one of those moods that I just and hyper and happy and stuff.
and stuff.
Tomorrow me and I group of friends are going to see les miserables. I guarantee I'm going to cry my eyes out. Or burst into song. One of those.
This is totally random, but if you are a guy name cameron, reading this, I used to like you. (of course, if it's the right cameron.)
Why did I just say that? Because. Don't judge, don't question.
Me and my friend are having a lovely conversation about the boys in my school and hand shaking....
love that song too.
I'm cold all of a sudden. I probably be off the computer.
How come when we're all trying to fit in and all that crap, no one bothers to stand out? It's hypocritical. That's why, if you see those people skipping, dancing, and laughing maniacally through the halls, odds are its me and my friends.
There's some in every crowd...
I'm supposed to join my school's advanced poetry group, but I don't know if I'm feelin' it.
Here's a spur of the moment poem.
(please hold while M gives me my topic.)

People are stupid.
Yes that is true.

The end.
That my friends, is poetic justice.
I'm gonna check out before I crash from whatever sugar high I'm surfin' on.
Peace out Girl Scout!!!!