Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The People in World...

People bug me.
1. People who are fake. People who pose, or pretend to be something they're not to fit in or whatever. Who cares???
2. Stereotypers... "OMG I'm SUCH a nerd, but I've been reading this book for 3 days, and I actually am enjoying it!" , though I have to say, I'm a hypocryte because I stereotye baseball players.
3. People who judge. Just because I don't wear Abercrombie and OSIRUS doesn't make me a nerd (though I am one ;D) or a bad person.
4. Perverts. JUST SHUT UP!!!
5. People who descriminated on race, gender, or even sexuality. Hey, just be your own person and don't give a crap on who everyone else is being!!!
6. Again with gender... I take karate, and I can proudly say I could beat half the boys in sparring, though I am the only girl. I bet $10 all of them would deny it, and half the bystanders would predict I'd lose. What is it, girls can't beat up guys??? WTH

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