People bug me.
1. People who are fake. People who pose, or pretend to be something they're not to fit in or whatever. Who cares???
2. Stereotypers... "OMG I'm SUCH a nerd, but I've been reading this book for 3 days, and I actually am enjoying it!" , though I have to say, I'm a hypocryte because I stereotye baseball players.
3. People who judge. Just because I don't wear Abercrombie and OSIRUS doesn't make me a nerd (though I am one ;D) or a bad person.
4. Perverts. JUST SHUT UP!!!
5. People who descriminated on race, gender, or even sexuality. Hey, just be your own person and don't give a crap on who everyone else is being!!!
6. Again with gender... I take karate, and I can proudly say I could beat half the boys in sparring, though I am the only girl. I bet $10 all of them would deny it, and half the bystanders would predict I'd lose. What is it, girls can't beat up guys??? WTH
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