I'm writing this post in honor of the 27 people who died in the Newtown shooting.
Today, during my fourth period class, you could tell somethong went wrong. My alegebra teacher came into the room, obviously distraught,and called my teacher over. My English teacher began to cry, though she was hoping we wouldnt notice, and proceded to close all the blinds and check her phone. I was one of the firt to hear of the shooting from a friend who overheard the teachers, and sat thr through lunch, panicking with one of mmy frieds,who like me, gets easily paranoid. The bell to signal the end of lunch, we were just chaperoned out silently, told to go silently straight to our next class,which for me was art. I sat in the room, shaking and trying not to cry, and most people didnt even know why we wer in lockdown. My friend and I signed back in fourth, a brief exchange, but we didnt we couldnt tak about it.
"U ok?"
"No. I know."
"My fream."
I was so shaken up, not just because of the evwnt, but only two nights before, the dy of the Oregon mall shooting, which is most likely wht cused the nightmare, I had this awfawful dream that my achool wenr into total lockdown, where we were all to co to the cafateriacafeteria at once because shooter was approching the school. It was the worst dream I for awhile, and this real lockdown felt too real, like the and was on extreme paranoia until I hard the shooters were cught/killed.
Why is there such cruecruel , evil people in this world, who one day decided to go shoot childrennchildren ? Why?
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
I'm just gonna type till my fingers are numb. (No care of grammer)
One day me and my sisters and her boyfriend went in a back field of my house to looks for a christmas tree for then, so we walked a huge loop in the woods for a smalll, preferable dead christmas tree, and we walk a mile, the they found one next to our house.
Snapbacks, over priced shoes, and the lack of a belt don't make you cool. Get that thought out of your head now.
Why must people use words like, totes, amaze, def, disgust, cray, etc. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE ENDINGS???
Jersey Shore kills society.
I love Gravity Falls. IO wish they would make more episodes.
"Revenge is underated. That was TOTALLY AWESOM!!!"- Gravity Falls
"Here's a casual question... What's you favorite snack food?
"I can't just pick one!"
"No way! Mine too!"
-Gravity Falls
Dipper, a character, is awesome. For a cartoon, he's actually pretty believable. He can be sarcastic, is obsessed with this girl Wendy, and is always coming up with over thought plans to win her over from this goth guy Wendy, and isn't unbelievably stupid and oblivious like everyone else on TV.
That reminds me.... Glee's on at 9!
Klaine FOREVER!!!!!
My current favorite song is It's Time by Imagine Dragons
"It's time to begin, isn't it, I'm just a little bit bigger than this, I'll admit, I'm not the same as I was, now dont youy understand? I'm never changing who I am!"
I really hate it when you have a good guy friend and
a) Everyone assumes you're dating or you like each other
b) They suddenly decide they are instantly too cool for you and toally blow you off for all there oh-so-cool new friends which are all he talks about when with you, when hes not texting them even though he's supposed to be with you, hanging out like you're supposed to and you've been doing for years, to a point that he locks himself in the bathroom so he can text his friends without getting nagged. Or is that just me?
c) He happens to be one of the most popular guys in school, but no in a I'm-so-cool you should worship me way, but in a way that every girl in the school has a crush on him and he ends up ignoring you and your friends to feed his fandom, even though you've helped his through all his problems, except he's smart and realizes his ignorance and nicely apoligizes. (Again, is this just me this happens to?)
Btw, these are two seperate guys, and I hope neither of you read this.
I have an interview for the agricultural school I'm applying to, and I'm nervous... not. I'm actually good with things like that, but I really want to make a good impression to get in. I only have five minutes, so the pressures on!
I don't want to wear a skirt to school though...
Crap. I have to wear a skirt.
I love Christmas.
It's the mooooost woooooonderfuul time of the year!!!!!!!1
I love Christmas music, Christmas trees, Christmas shopping, scented candles, mushrooms....
Kind of got off track there...
I really hate mushrooms... =D
One day me and my friend Matt (alias) went sledding after a huge nor' easter that iced over, and we manage to go down the hill, up and over the stone wall, skidding into a frozen brook (almost)
It was epic.
Christmas lights are so pretty.
City streetlights,
Even stoplights,
Blink a bright red in green!
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas.
Children laughing, people passing, meeting smile after smile.
And on every street corner you hear...
Mashed Potatoes!!
Just kidding.
Silver Bells, silver bells, it's Christmas time in the city!!!!!!
My fingers hurt from typing.
I have a history essay due on John Adams.
I'm going to watch Glee now.
As the Hawaiian say,
Keep it real and fail with style.
One day me and my sisters and her boyfriend went in a back field of my house to looks for a christmas tree for then, so we walked a huge loop in the woods for a smalll, preferable dead christmas tree, and we walk a mile, the they found one next to our house.
Snapbacks, over priced shoes, and the lack of a belt don't make you cool. Get that thought out of your head now.
Why must people use words like, totes, amaze, def, disgust, cray, etc. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE ENDINGS???
Jersey Shore kills society.
I love Gravity Falls. IO wish they would make more episodes.
"Revenge is underated. That was TOTALLY AWESOM!!!"- Gravity Falls
"Here's a casual question... What's you favorite snack food?
"I can't just pick one!"
"No way! Mine too!"
-Gravity Falls
Dipper, a character, is awesome. For a cartoon, he's actually pretty believable. He can be sarcastic, is obsessed with this girl Wendy, and is always coming up with over thought plans to win her over from this goth guy Wendy, and isn't unbelievably stupid and oblivious like everyone else on TV.
That reminds me.... Glee's on at 9!
Klaine FOREVER!!!!!
My current favorite song is It's Time by Imagine Dragons
"It's time to begin, isn't it, I'm just a little bit bigger than this, I'll admit, I'm not the same as I was, now dont youy understand? I'm never changing who I am!"
I really hate it when you have a good guy friend and
a) Everyone assumes you're dating or you like each other
b) They suddenly decide they are instantly too cool for you and toally blow you off for all there oh-so-cool new friends which are all he talks about when with you, when hes not texting them even though he's supposed to be with you, hanging out like you're supposed to and you've been doing for years, to a point that he locks himself in the bathroom so he can text his friends without getting nagged. Or is that just me?
c) He happens to be one of the most popular guys in school, but no in a I'm-so-cool you should worship me way, but in a way that every girl in the school has a crush on him and he ends up ignoring you and your friends to feed his fandom, even though you've helped his through all his problems, except he's smart and realizes his ignorance and nicely apoligizes. (Again, is this just me this happens to?)
Btw, these are two seperate guys, and I hope neither of you read this.
I have an interview for the agricultural school I'm applying to, and I'm nervous... not. I'm actually good with things like that, but I really want to make a good impression to get in. I only have five minutes, so the pressures on!
I don't want to wear a skirt to school though...
Crap. I have to wear a skirt.
I love Christmas.
It's the mooooost woooooonderfuul time of the year!!!!!!!1
I love Christmas music, Christmas trees, Christmas shopping, scented candles, mushrooms....
Kind of got off track there...
I really hate mushrooms... =D
One day me and my friend Matt (alias) went sledding after a huge nor' easter that iced over, and we manage to go down the hill, up and over the stone wall, skidding into a frozen brook (almost)
It was epic.
Christmas lights are so pretty.
City streetlights,
Even stoplights,
Blink a bright red in green!
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas.
Children laughing, people passing, meeting smile after smile.
And on every street corner you hear...
Mashed Potatoes!!
Just kidding.
Silver Bells, silver bells, it's Christmas time in the city!!!!!!
My fingers hurt from typing.
I have a history essay due on John Adams.
I'm going to watch Glee now.
As the Hawaiian say,
Keep it real and fail with style.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
In the words of Abraham Lincoln...
In social studies class we were learning about primary and secondary sources in the library, and our librarian had us organize picture into those two catergories, and he had a picture of th Gettysburg Address as a primary source, so here's how this part of the lesson went:
Mr.B (librarian): Now I know most of you kids can't read Abraham Lincoln's handwriting, which I don't understand, because I for one fin it fairly easy, so I will read it to you. Four square and seven years ago...
So, I'm good at social studies. I have a 99 average. Whch is strange, because I hte the subject, esspecially Civics (and history and geography...) After Mr.B went on with the whole "Four square" thing, me and the smart guy in my class were looking at each other smirking. Mr.M, my socil studies teacher comes in, "Did you just say four square?"
Maybe we can't read it, Mr.B, but at least we know what it says.
Mr.B (librarian): Now I know most of you kids can't read Abraham Lincoln's handwriting, which I don't understand, because I for one fin it fairly easy, so I will read it to you. Four square and seven years ago...
So, I'm good at social studies. I have a 99 average. Whch is strange, because I hte the subject, esspecially Civics (and history and geography...) After Mr.B went on with the whole "Four square" thing, me and the smart guy in my class were looking at each other smirking. Mr.M, my socil studies teacher comes in, "Did you just say four square?"
Maybe we can't read it, Mr.B, but at least we know what it says.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The weather outside is frightful...
So, I say so a lot, don't I? I am trying to figure out what to write about. I guess I like writing, and I'm pretty sure my writing beats my story telling, (that's where you chime in poodly) So I took a sudden liking to this font (there I go again saying so) and I really have no idea where I'm going with this. Well first I guess I'll thank all you wonderful people who take the time to read any of my posts, for most no real educational value or anything. So (Rawr. I will not use so again)lets talk aobut the weather!!! No, but seriously. The East Coast is just recovered from Hurricane Sandy (a VERY menacing name, if you ask me) and they're supposed to get hit with a Nor' Easter pretty soon. I love snow. There asn't been any sledding snow for like, two years!!! I like it when each season does what it's supposed to; Spring is rainy and cool, but sunny, Summer is hot, with the OCCASIONAL shower, Autumn is crisp, cool, and not totally rainy, and Winter is cold and snowy. My sister gave me a hair cut yesterday... Spuratically... My mom was like, "You need a hair cut" and then I went up to my sister and asked if she could cut my hair. (She's 16, with no training, it was a risky move on my part) I told her two inches off, but she hacked off 4, but I still like it. She got rid of all the blue-green... (If I didn't mention, six weeks ago I more successfully Koolaid dyed the bottom third of my hair teal) I have to go to my sister's cross country meet later. It's a big one, and she runs varsity for her school, 3rd or 2nd for the team at all times. This means me, standing in the cold all day to watch a 21 minute race... X(. I guess it's fun though. I really have been longing to go to the ocean for some unknown reason. Just in the cold, to walk along the cold sand, collecting beach glass. I have recently decided, The Unwanteds, by Lisa McMann, is my new favorite series, and Simber is the best character ever.
Keep it real and fail with style,
Keep it real and fail with style,
Saturday, August 25, 2012
My not-so-good-terribley-sad-oh-so-so-sad end of summer acrostic
So much fun
Unwilling to let go of the days of freedom,
Memories made,
Many adventures,
Endless joy
Remember the days.
Unwilling to let go of the days of freedom,
Memories made,
Many adventures,
Endless joy
Remember the days.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Random things
1. The Many Expressions of Daniel Radcliff

2. What Makes You Beautiful, The Piano Guys.
Look it up on Youtube.
3. Back to school letterhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x78PnPd-V-A&feature=player_embedded
2. What Makes You Beautiful, The Piano Guys.
Look it up on Youtube.
3. Back to school letterhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x78PnPd-V-A&feature=player_embedded
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Thoughts of the moment
1. gnomes, gnomes, gnomes, gnomes.
2. I love Vermont, look at those mountains!
3.Who are you??? Your not my kid!!! Your not my grand kid!!! Who invited you!?!?
4. Fluffy pillow.
6. More chocolate.
7. A big, fluffy, brand new, freshly washed, egyptian cotton, top quality towel.
8. Ghost monkeys!!!
9. Poodle's birthday surprise.
10. Hatin' on school.
11. Jack squat.
12. Kale, apples, and gramcrackers.
13. Going all out on everything.
15. How could I make a man out of yoooooooooooooou???
16. He knows jack squat about love... I mean, he's divorced!!!
17.14,000 calories, 500 grams of fat.
18. Barron.
19. Shaggy and Scooby.
20.If you are reading this T-C-O, hope the orange is gone.
21. Keep the monkey.
2. I love Vermont, look at those mountains!
3.Who are you??? Your not my kid!!! Your not my grand kid!!! Who invited you!?!?
4. Fluffy pillow.
6. More chocolate.
7. A big, fluffy, brand new, freshly washed, egyptian cotton, top quality towel.
8. Ghost monkeys!!!
9. Poodle's birthday surprise.
10. Hatin' on school.
11. Jack squat.
12. Kale, apples, and gramcrackers.
13. Going all out on everything.
15. How could I make a man out of yoooooooooooooou???
16. He knows jack squat about love... I mean, he's divorced!!!
17.14,000 calories, 500 grams of fat.
18. Barron.
19. Shaggy and Scooby.
20.If you are reading this T-C-O, hope the orange is gone.
21. Keep the monkey.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Howdy!!! Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile, but I had camp all week and last week Ii just wasn't motivated. I am going through a wave of exceeding business, and all I want to do is hang out with Poodly and Morgan. (me and poodle have a alias for a certain friend, if you saw her last post) Morgana's mom is always working, and i NEVER see her anymore. She invited me to sleepover monday, but i have another freaking camp. I know what you're thinking, "Hey, if your so busy and stuff, and you don't want to be, why don't you drop something, and why did you sign up for all this in the first place???" To be honest, I have no idea and I am regreting it. I really, really want a frappichino right now. I had a camp out at camp last night, and i slept less then I really should of. I had to share my tent with eight other girls, and that is not easy to fall asleep to. On the 4th of July, I went to these awesome fireworks, and my only complaint was that during the fireworks they played patriot music, which was annoying, but became increasingly annoying considering they only had a CD of about three songs. One was God Bless America, which was most frequently played, about 4 or 5 times. It was pretty, but it ruined the mood a bit. Heres the thing... it was sung me Celine Dion. She has a great voice and all, but if I'm going to listen to God Bless America four times, I would think it should be sung my, I don't know, an American??? (Celine Dion is from Canada) Poodle is watching her aunt's dog while they are in Fiji, which I have to find the link to there blog... (Poodly, I know you have it) Anyway, he iis a beautiful husky named Diablo, but we call him Di, whichis where the title of this post came from.
Keep it real and fail with style.
Keep it real and fail with style.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Hot and Antsy.
Why would anyone voluntarely live somewhere soooooooooo hot??? I live in New England, where the weather is pretty warrm in summer, but it occasionally spikes up, like right now. I feel like it's always somewhere in the nineties and the humididty is so thick I feel like I could take a knife to it. I'm excited though, because I just got a new ipod dock and alarm clock. Today I went to Starbucks with my youth group, and as I was getting out of the car, my sister puts the seat down and my finger got jammed between the arm rest and seat part, so I'm in Starbucks, and I'm crying because it hurts so bad, meanwhile I'm just waiting for my frappicinio (which was a mocha cookie crumble with coffee, which was utterly AMAZING) so another guy in my youth group, lets call him Nick for now because I don't like to use real names, tells me this story to try and cheer me up and distract me from my finger...
"So yesterday I found an ant in my room. I picked it up with tweezers, and used the ultimate ant psycological torture method. I used my tweezers and put it in a jar, full of sugar. Since ants are hardwired to bring food to the colony, its perfect. There's all this food, but they can't take it anywhere. It really messes with them. So, 3 or 4 hours later, I let it out. He goes back to the colony, and they have questions (He said this part with a British accent, and you'll see why later) "Where's the food Nigel? We can smell it on you. where have you been!?", "I don't know!!! So much food, but I couldn't bring a lick of it back!!!" And the reason I say that with an accent is beacause there is a joke that all ants are British, because they colonize!!!"
Gotta love cheesy stories, though I would hate to be messed with like that.
"So yesterday I found an ant in my room. I picked it up with tweezers, and used the ultimate ant psycological torture method. I used my tweezers and put it in a jar, full of sugar. Since ants are hardwired to bring food to the colony, its perfect. There's all this food, but they can't take it anywhere. It really messes with them. So, 3 or 4 hours later, I let it out. He goes back to the colony, and they have questions (He said this part with a British accent, and you'll see why later) "Where's the food Nigel? We can smell it on you. where have you been!?", "I don't know!!! So much food, but I couldn't bring a lick of it back!!!" And the reason I say that with an accent is beacause there is a joke that all ants are British, because they colonize!!!"
Gotta love cheesy stories, though I would hate to be messed with like that.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Kata and Demons
Hello!!! It's me!!! Who else??? So, Ocean City was AWESOME. I. Love. Summer. It makes everything possible. Two new things I love are boho wraps and water ice. I'm currently working on a kata, for my green belt. Kata is Okinawan for form, and katas are basically a sequence of staces, blocks, strikes, punches, kicks and more, all put together. They help you with many skills, and they are made as a spiritual, mental, and physical exercise. Why am I practicing at this hour??? IT'S SO HOT HERE!!! I think its safe to say it's hot where I live, considering the whole country (except maybe Alaska and Maine and other northern states) is experiencing extreme temperatures. Poodle's aunts, who went to Ocean City, New Jersey with us, (you are now allowed to know, it was NJ) are leaving for Fiji tomorrow. They've made a blog for it, and it should be under blogs I follow.Anyway, my green belt kata is Aniku, which means Swallow on the Beach or Pivoting Forms. I perfer Swallow on the Beach over Pivoting Forms, because it just sounds better. I like it better than the last kata, Wansu, or Strong Arm Dumping Form. Today I was watching a UFO special on NatGeo, and now I'm freaked out to be in my room alone... guess there is such thing as too much Sci-Fi. I just finished the book Clockwork Prince, and it was great. It wasn't even the idea of the story that interested me (demon hunters and vampires and such) but the plot was so intricite, you didn't know how it would end until it was over, no predictable or cliche twists and turns. There was just a touch of romance, but it was suspenseful, like you're not sure its true until you read the prolouge or the next book. The characters are very original. It takes place in London, much before the Prohibation Era, but I'm not sure how much before. One of the main characters, Will, feels almost like he doesn't fit into to the dismal gray of early London, for his personality is so bold and boisterous it adds the perfect touch of humor to this dark plot. I would highly recommend it to virtually any avid reader, for even if you are not a fan of fantasy, the plot can hook you in easily. The only thing I did not enjoy was how frustratingly idiotic the main character Tessa could be, but that was a major factor to the plot, so I guess it was necessary. An overall great read,
Keep it real and fail with style,
Keep it real and fail with style,
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The tips of my hair are purple... hopefully my Poodle's family will still take me to Ocean City lookin' like this!!!!! Haha, of course they will. I koolaided my hair last night... it's more complicated than I imagined it would be. Oh, there's bad news too. In my middle school, there's 7 grade math level and pre-algebra for seventh grade, and pre-algebra and algebra for eight grade. If your 6th grade teacher recommends you and you state test scores are high enough, you'll be put in pre-algebra in seventh grade and if you do well enough there you take algebra in 8th grade. Good news, I got into algebra!!!!!!! Bad news, I have a summer packet... -_- Anyway, today is packing day!!!!!!!! On Saturday I leave for Ocean City with Poodley's family at 6:00 AM. I"M SO PYSCHED!!!!!! I looooooooooooove the ocean. My hair smells like grapes.
Keep it real and fail with style~ I
Keep it real and fail with style~ I
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
I used to have an ipod touch... the system shattered. I did manage to save the pictures though, and these are a few of my favorites...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
My last day of school.
So, yesterday was my last days of school, and it was definately the best last day I have ever had. My friends are truly insane, yes, and I will miss them like crazy. I really don't know what to say. We took the craziest pictures, and everyone probably thought we were insane. We wore fake mustaches all day, and when people asked why, it was because we're awesome. The crankiest teacher in our school gave us candy and then told us not to tell out parents we took candy from a stranger. We played kazoo to every song we knew.It was the best last day ever.
Summer (Where Do We Begin?) Phineas and Ferb
Summer is runnin' through the sprinklers in your T-shirt, shoes and jeans
Rolling down a grassy hill, yeah, that's what summer means to me
It's true
There's so much more to do
The days are longer
The nights are shorter
The sun is shining
It's noticeably warmer
Summer, every single moment is worth it's weight in gold
Summer, it's like the world's best story and it's waiting to be told
It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
Rolling down a grassy hill, yeah, that's what summer means to me
It's true
There's so much more to do
The days are longer
The nights are shorter
The sun is shining
It's noticeably warmer
Summer, every single moment is worth it's weight in gold
Summer, it's like the world's best story and it's waiting to be told
It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
Summer is ponds and pools and garden hoses, tryin' to beat the heat
Summer, bicycles and roller skates and even just bare feet
It's also... Surfing tidal waves, creating nanobots
Or locating Frankenstein's brain
Finding a dodo bird, painting a continent
Or driving our sister insane...
Oh, wait. Maybe we're going too fast.
Summer, it's crickets and cicadas and a glass of lemonade
Summer, it's sitting with your brother in the backyard under the shade of a
Big tree
That's what it means to me
The days are longer
The nights are shorter
The sun is shining
It's noticeably warmer
Summer, every single moment is worth it's weight in gold
Summer, it's like the world's best story and it's waiting to be told
It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
Where do we begin?
Where do we begin?
Summer, bicycles and roller skates and even just bare feet
It's also... Surfing tidal waves, creating nanobots
Or locating Frankenstein's brain
Finding a dodo bird, painting a continent
Or driving our sister insane...
Oh, wait. Maybe we're going too fast.
Summer, it's crickets and cicadas and a glass of lemonade
Summer, it's sitting with your brother in the backyard under the shade of a
Big tree
That's what it means to me
The days are longer
The nights are shorter
The sun is shining
It's noticeably warmer
Summer, every single moment is worth it's weight in gold
Summer, it's like the world's best story and it's waiting to be told
It's ice cream cones and cherry soda dripping down your chin
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
It's summer, man, where do we begin?
Where do we begin?
Where do we begin?
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/p/phineas_and_ferb/summer_where_do_we_begin.html ]
I don't even know where to start. What can I say, its summer!!! Its amazing. Indescribable. Free. Nothing to complain about, no teachers, no homework, none of those people who you just can't live with. You can just live without the tensions of project deadlines, or exams. I can blog a heck of a lot more. IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The People in World...
People bug me.
1. People who are fake. People who pose, or pretend to be something they're not to fit in or whatever. Who cares???
2. Stereotypers... "OMG I'm SUCH a nerd, but I've been reading this book for 3 days, and I actually am enjoying it!" , though I have to say, I'm a hypocryte because I stereotye baseball players.
3. People who judge. Just because I don't wear Abercrombie and OSIRUS doesn't make me a nerd (though I am one ;D) or a bad person.
4. Perverts. JUST SHUT UP!!!
5. People who descriminated on race, gender, or even sexuality. Hey, just be your own person and don't give a crap on who everyone else is being!!!
6. Again with gender... I take karate, and I can proudly say I could beat half the boys in sparring, though I am the only girl. I bet $10 all of them would deny it, and half the bystanders would predict I'd lose. What is it, girls can't beat up guys??? WTH
1. People who are fake. People who pose, or pretend to be something they're not to fit in or whatever. Who cares???
2. Stereotypers... "OMG I'm SUCH a nerd, but I've been reading this book for 3 days, and I actually am enjoying it!" , though I have to say, I'm a hypocryte because I stereotye baseball players.
3. People who judge. Just because I don't wear Abercrombie and OSIRUS doesn't make me a nerd (though I am one ;D) or a bad person.
4. Perverts. JUST SHUT UP!!!
5. People who descriminated on race, gender, or even sexuality. Hey, just be your own person and don't give a crap on who everyone else is being!!!
6. Again with gender... I take karate, and I can proudly say I could beat half the boys in sparring, though I am the only girl. I bet $10 all of them would deny it, and half the bystanders would predict I'd lose. What is it, girls can't beat up guys??? WTH
Monday, June 11, 2012
This past weekend I went to DC. It was hot, crowded, and I couldn't stand my travel companions, but hey, DC is DC. The only thing I really enjoyed was the National Crime Museum. I got an AWESOME NCIS sweatshirt. I am soooooooooooo ready for summer. I have 4 1/2 days left of school, and I have a pre-algebra and french final tomorrow... DX What kind of math test has 25 vocab questions??!?! Ugh. I downloaded All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera to my ipod, and only half of it downloaded. Is that normal??? I'm going to Ocean City in 12 days!!! Sooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have to find my sun glasses... B-D
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
I. NEED. SUMMER. I need vacation, camping, freedom, ice cream sandwichs, cold coffee, music all the time, late nights, the craziest nights, bonfires, the beach, my camp, Drew the consular, my BFFs, all the people who bother to wave back to me, Ocean City, Peter Pan, the stream, river surfing, fireflies, my bike, roller coasters, Gatorade, DDD, fedoras, NMUMYG or whatever our acranim is, anarchy club, candy, and a lot of it, Mimi's pool, swimming, albino squirrels, and everyone who understands or bothered to read this.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Alrighty, now I'm really behind!!!!!!! It's not my fault, my teachers are slamming and cramming me with homework. It's awful. I will post about my last few days in tommorows post, but for now I want to get y'all caught up on the holidays!!!
May 23 is . . . . Penny Day
May 24 is . . . . National Escargot Day
May 25 is . . . . National Tap Dance Day
May 26 is . . . . Grey Day
May 27 is . . . . Body Painting Arts Festival
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I'm Concussed
Hiya peeps!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... (three days, jeez. I need a life!!!) Over the weekend, I was sleeping over at Poodle's house, and I fell off the couch in the middle of the night, hit my head on the hard wood floor, and got a concussion. I know what your thinking, "Wow, what a lame way to get a concussion,", but I know someone who's fallen INTO a couch and gotten a concussion. So, while I was bed ridden, these are the holidays I missed...
May 19 is . . . . Frog Jumping Jubilee Day
May 20 is . . . . Eliza Doolittle Day
May 21 is . . . . National Memo Day and National Waitresses/Waiters Day
And today is Buy-A-Musical-Instument Day!!!
And today is Buy-A-Musical-Instument Day!!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
International Museum Day and Visit Your Relatives Day
Pretty boring compared to the other ones. Sorry for this extremely short post, but I'm going to bed. Peace!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Good day to all you pack rats!
Today is Pack Rat Day!!!! I'm a bit of a pack rat myself... but that's not the point of this post!!! Anyway, today in English class we watch Twilight Zone, Season 1, Episode 22, The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street. It really kind of freaked me out. The basic plot line is that this weird thing passed over Maple St. and the adults say it a meteor and the kids say its a UFO, and then the power goes out and the cars won't start. The kids are all like "Its the aliens!" and the adults are like, "Its the meteor!" and then they believe its aliens, and that there are a few among them. Then everyone gets suspicious of everyone else, and they shoot this one guy because its dark and they think hes an alien. The end is what kind of freaked me out, because it shows two guys on a mountain and they're like, "Same thing everytime, shut the power off, turn a few things on and off a few times, and they go crazy trying to figure out who it is. Nothing unique about this place. There's thousand of other Maple Streets out there. Lets go.", and then a spaceship takes off. It was really weird.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Quotes I love from How I Met Your Mother
1. “Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro—I'm Broda!”
2. “Okay, pep talk! You can do this, but to be more accurate, you probably can't. You're way out of practice and she's way too hot for you. So, remember, it's not about scoring. It's about believing you can do it, even though you probably can't. Go get 'em, tiger!”
3. “It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!”
4. “Jesus waited three days to come back to life. It was perfect! If he had only waited one day, a lot of people wouldn't have even heard he died. They'd be all, "Hey Jesus, what up?" and Jesus would probably be like, "What up? I died yesterday!" and they'd be all, "Uh, you look pretty alive to me, dude..." and then Jesus would have to explain how he was resurrected, and how it was a miracle, and the dude'd be like "Uhh okay, whatever you say, bro..." And he's not gonna come back on a Saturday. Everybody's busy, doing chores, workin' the loom, trimmin' the beard, NO. He waited the perfect number of days, three. Plus it's Sunday, so everyone's in church already, and they're all in there like "Oh no, Jesus is dead", and then BAM! He bursts in the back door, runnin' up the aisle, everyone's totally psyched, and FYI, that's when he invented the high five. That's why we wait three days to call a woman, because that's how long Jesus wants us to wait.... True story.”
5. “In my body, where the shame gland should be, there is a second awesome gland. True story.”
6. “God, it's me, Barney. What up? I know we don't talk much, but I know a lot of girls call out your name because of me.”
7. “Oh right, because there can be too many of something wonderful. Hey Babe Ruth, easy big fella, let's not hit too many homers. Hey Steve Gutenberg, maybe just make three Police Academy movies. America's laughed enough.”
8. “Do you have some puritanical hang up on prostitution? Dude, it’s the world’s oldest profession.”
9. “Suits are full of joy. They're the sartorial equivalent of a baby's smile.”
10. “Here's the mini-cherry on top of the regular cherry on top of the sundae of awesomeness that is my life"
Sea Monkeys
As well as Wear Purple For Peace Day, May 16 is also National Sea Monkey Day!!! I've never had a sea monkey, but my friend did. It was really small and I had no idea what the heck I was looking at so I just went with it. She said one ate the rest, but she also always thought her pet fish was pregnant, and since I couldn't see them, I figured they all died of natural causes, considering they only live for like, 3 days. Not to hate on sea monkeys or anything, but I don't something that comes in a box from the toy store is the best pet.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Happy National Chocolate Chip Day!!! On Sunday I ordered a new digital camera on amazon.com, and it came today!!! It's a black Sony something, and its awesome. If I press this button, it automatically takes a picture when it sees someone smiling. As for quality, it takes realy good pictures and can even do panoramas. I might me posting some pictures after I upload them to my computer. Also, tommorow is wear purple for peace day, so wear purple!!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Short + sweet
Happy Dance Like a Chicken Day! Sorry this post is so short, but I have to go to sleep... so go dance like a chicken!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Ninja Destruction
For anyone whos never heard of ninja destruction, its where you pose like a ninja with your hands open, and your opponent does the same. You each get a move to strike and to dodge. The point is to hit the other persons hand to get it out. For a better explanation... look it up.
The Poking Game
The poking game is were you and your partener take each others hand, on the same side, and face eachother. Then you stick your index finger out and try and poke the other person while trying not to be poked.
For anyone whos never heard of ninja destruction, its where you pose like a ninja with your hands open, and your opponent does the same. You each get a move to strike and to dodge. The point is to hit the other persons hand to get it out. For a better explanation... look it up.
The Poking Game
The poking game is were you and your partener take each others hand, on the same side, and face eachother. Then you stick your index finger out and try and poke the other person while trying not to be poked.
On a happier note...
Hiya! Last night I went to a bonfire, and we decided to play "extreme" games, like ninja destruction, (see my post about it) and the poking game, (again, see post above), and then I started to teach my sister and her friends karate, because they didn't believe I could take them down. (For anyone who's curious, I take Okinawan Shuri-Ru, and I absolutely love it!) Also, as I promised, today it is National Leprechaun Day AND Jump Like a Frog Day! And, most importantly, Happy Mother's Day!
Alright, I almost will never post something like this, but I think this is important and pretty legit. If you feel it is worthy, copy and paste this and send it to people. It would mean the world, just saving this one, poor soul.
There's a dog named Gus. He has been abused so bad that his stomach has
been punctured. He was taken away from his owner last week and he
isn't doing well. They are taking donations for his surgery but...
that might not be enough. Verizon is donating 25 cents for every time
this message is sent. Send this to at least 10 friends to help Gus.
Thank you for helping save a life. Just sending this message to 10
people will earn up to $2.50. Yes it's not a lot of money, but it can
count. You are in control of helping this dog! He needs help so please
take one minute of your time and send this to 10 people. Together we
can stop animal abuse and save a life. A life that belongs to an
innocent dog. Please send. Make a difference.
This is real and a dog really needs your help! Just one minute, that's
all I'm asking! Please.... If you don't send this on you have a cold
heart and don't care about the lives of innocent creature!!! Help save
Gus and make a difference in the world. It only takes one person to
change the world.
For other ways to help animals like Gus, you can contact your local
animal rescue shelter. Just make sure it's a rescue, not a puppy mill
or pound... those places are almost as bad for animals as abuse
Thank you for your care and support...... :-) Please copy and paste! don't
foward because than it shows everyones
name and no one scrolls down to read and help Gus!!!!!!!
Please donate to this charity I feel soooo bad for the dog:(
There's a dog named Gus. He has been abused so bad that his stomach has
been punctured. He was taken away from his owner last week and he
isn't doing well. They are taking donations for his surgery but...
that might not be enough. Verizon is donating 25 cents for every time
this message is sent. Send this to at least 10 friends to help Gus.
Thank you for helping save a life. Just sending this message to 10
people will earn up to $2.50. Yes it's not a lot of money, but it can
count. You are in control of helping this dog! He needs help so please
take one minute of your time and send this to 10 people. Together we
can stop animal abuse and save a life. A life that belongs to an
innocent dog. Please send. Make a difference.
This is real and a dog really needs your help! Just one minute, that's
all I'm asking! Please.... If you don't send this on you have a cold
heart and don't care about the lives of innocent creature!!! Help save
Gus and make a difference in the world. It only takes one person to
change the world.
For other ways to help animals like Gus, you can contact your local
animal rescue shelter. Just make sure it's a rescue, not a puppy mill
or pound... those places are almost as bad for animals as abuse
Thank you for your care and support...... :-) Please copy and paste! don't
foward because than it shows everyones
name and no one scrolls down to read and help Gus!!!!!!!
Please donate to this charity I feel soooo bad for the dog:(
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Wierd, the Forgotten, and the just plain RANDOM!!!
I decided that from now on, I will post about every random holiday I feel worthy. I love random holidays! It all started on National Waffle Day... =D So, to start it off, today, May 12, 2012 is Limerick Day! Don't you just love Irish poetry that rhymes.... I know, its a random holiday, but poems are people too! Not really, but here is my tribute to limericks, with one I am making up on the spot....
Yohan was a cat,
Who was seriously fat.
As his struggle got vainer,
He got a personal trainer,
Who Yohan thinks is a brat.
That is my poetic moment of the day, and my tribute to limericks.
Yohan was a cat,
Who was seriously fat.
As his struggle got vainer,
He got a personal trainer,
Who Yohan thinks is a brat.
That is my poetic moment of the day, and my tribute to limericks.
So last night I slept over at my friends house. It was insane. At first we were just holed up in her basement. Then we facetimed one of our friends and I gave him a video tour of her dads shrine to Elvis. Her dad has a village, like one of those model Christmas villages, but Elvis themed. After that we tried to draw people from the yearbook, but I got bored and turned mine into a member of the Mafia, a Swedish elk herder, Yoda, and Dobby the house elf on steriods. The whole time we were trying to sing like men, (If you've made it this far with out being freaked out, then I know there's someone out there who's crazier than us ;) ) and then we go up to show her mom our drawings, and she decides we should stalk people on Facebook, and then proceded to looks up the randomist people. It was hilarious, really one of the highlights of my month.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Gandhi and his peeps yo!
I just love Gandhi. He is just so freaking awesome. These are some of my favorite quotes from him. I've loved him ever since My cousin showed me The Gandhi Rap on youtube.com. You should look it up!
An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi
An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.
Mahatma Gandhi
Commonsense is the realised sense of proportion.
Mahatma Gandhi
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
Mahatma Gandhi
Monday, May 7, 2012
Hiya all you people!!! This is a list of my ten (ever-changing) favorite songs,in no particular order, and probably some commentary along the way...
- One Thing, by One Direction. They really are a good group. I mean, normally I hate boy bands and cliche teen sensations, but for once a good one came out of the blue. Simon Cowell has good taste!
- Somebody I Used To Know, by Goyt or Glee Cast. I usually prefer the originals, but I do like the Glee version better.
- What Makes You Beautiful, by One Direction. The boys of Glee did this too, and it sounds exactly the same. What can I say, boy bands all sound alike.
- Honestly, by Hot Chelle Rae. I just love how it oppisites every other song, where its like "oh I want you back". This one says "Honestly I just don't care!"
- Raise Your Glass, by P!nk. For me, it just never gets old. P1nk does it better than Glee, but for anyone whos seen the Glee 3D Concert, I love the mini Warbler who sings and dances along to Raise Your Glass
- (This is really 6, but my aside messed me up!) Glad You Came, by The Wanted. The best song to dance to. Ever.
- Stand Up, by One Direction. I think I've said enough about them.
- Sweet Caroline, by Neil Diamonds. I'm not all Top 50, and I really do love his music.
- I'm Yours/Somewhere Over The Rainbow, by Staight No Chasers. They are one of my favorite groups for Christmas music.
- I Wanna Hold Your Hand, The Beatles. Its the Beatles. Enough said.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Alright, so yesterday, I had one of my best friends sleepover, and we asked my mom to take us to the park. My friend, named (Like I would tell you that =D) , and my sister, and I all went to the playground at an elementary school in our town. We are all really too old for playgrounds, and we dwarfed most of the equipment, but we still had and awesome time, trying to see who could get up and down all the slides the fastest, (there's like, 15 slides), trying to play hide and seek, though we were too big for most of the hiding spots, swinging , and spinning on the merry-go-round until we were sick. Its amazing how dangerous (and nauseating) those things are, yet they allow them at playgrounds everywhere. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love those things. We would see who could jump on the most successfully at various speeds, and who can stay on the edge the longest. There not anywhere near safe though. I remember I was pushing my friend and my sister, and then when I jumped I ended up slamming my side on a pole and falling off. It didn't hurt then (it was actually pretty funny) but now I have a big bruise. I remember once I was watching Mythbusters, and they were testing a movie myth, where someone shoots a merry-go-round and then it starts spinning from the force. So, for dramatic affect, they wrapped it in barbed wire and lit it on fire. But for now, merry-go-rounds bring joy to people everywhere.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Amazing how much you can notice if you stop talking. I mean I talk a lot. Like, non-stop. I'm an extremely hyper and loud person, but in those rare moments when I'm quiet, I am pretty observant. Where am I going with this? Well, I've always loved photography. All great photographers notice things. Take these photos...

Photos courtesy of National Geographic. Visit nationalgeographic.com for more great photos.

Photos courtesy of National Geographic. Visit nationalgeographic.com for more great photos.
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